If somebody is interested in Nazareth or want to be faimiliar with a bit ridiculous* point of view on the history I suggest to check out the links I provided. There is also some Israeli point of view on the issue. Basically you can easily find three things in the city. Churches, the shuq and the rest which includes all the things I didn't enlist. _______ * why I wrote ridiculous? It makes me mad when somebody tries to rewrite the history by saying that one side is good and the other is bad. Life is not that easy/simple.
This picture reminds story of Jonas I presume... but if you will have any other connotations I won't be surprised;) This abstraction is my most favourite one among many others which comes from all over the world and are devoted to Saint Mary. You can enter the Church of the Annunciation and you will find many interesting paintings, mozaiks, etc. The only thing which is strange is the building made of concrete, looking inside lika a bunker. Kinda empty shell. No spirituality. Place for tourists, that's all. This is my opinion. Maybe some people like such a places. Who knows?
Me and some of my friends are considering the trip to Hebron (and the official municipal web page). According to what my friends said it is better not to go there. Why? Cus the settlers are not in the mood and they are a bit unfriendly and hostile. Another reason - the soldiers or police who are responsible for the safety of the people who are there are not interested in this much. To read about all of the reasons click "Ha'aretz" Petition: Enforce Law in Hebron! No matter what I m not going to give up.
These movies are stunningly sad...
If you re interested in this topic or any other related to what is going on in the West Bank check www.shovrimshtika.org and btselem.org
suggested music: Aris Sanoranother one :) Who is he? Who makes me laugh with his funny jokes and amazes me with interesting stories? Thou shall feel no fear when He is nearby.Thou shall wish him (them) all the best in the upcoming months and later on. Let me introduce Witek aka (De) Wito, at home/for friends - don (Vito;) - at work - journalist.Witek is a boyfriend of Iza.
He came to Israel to meet with his girlfriend and to travel a bit around to write some articles and reportage from this area.
These cats down there belong to my friend's father. This is the first time in my life when I meet Maine Coon:)cats:) Yay!!! I was invited to the dinner at Omri's father place and had an unique opportunity to meet one of those Polish Jews who decided to move out from Poland not right after the war but a few years later. He was 11 years old that time. What is amazing about him that he still speaks polish quite fluent. It was really moving to hear some stories from his childhood in Poland - like the story of the letter to Stalin which he and many other kids in the early 50's were asked to write or a story of his unintended denunciation of his parents who listened to The Radio Free Europe officially prohibited in the communistic Poland. Fortunately without any consequences - the teacher who heard it started to shout at him not to say it in public any more.