These cats down there belong to my friend's father. This is the first time in my life when I meet
Maine Coon:)cats:) Yay!!! I was invited to the dinner at Omri's father place and had an unique opportunity to meet one of those Polish Jews who decided to move out from Poland not right after the war but a few years later. He was 11 years old that time. What is amazing about him that he still speaks polish quite fluent. It was really moving to hear some stories from his childhood in Poland - like the story of the letter to Stalin which he and many other kids in the early 50's were asked to write or a story of his unintended denunciation of his parents who listened to The Radio Free Europe officially prohibited in the communistic Poland. Fortunately without any consequences - the teacher who heard it started to shout at him not to say it in public any more.

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