środa, 5 listopada 2008

a lot to think about

Yesterday I met some of my friends from the exchange in which i participated last April nad May. It was nice, we ate quite good hummus, drank some lemonade and talked a bit about politics. Left wingers vs right wingers;) all eating pita and hummus, drinking lemonade - kinda funny situation. :)


Corinne ve Almog (R)

The lawn all over the whole campus is just amazing. You don't wanna do nothing more than to lay and take a nap. Kinda off topic (a bit;) this Magda's green bag is also cool:)

Omri (L)


Tomorrow I m gonna post something, today I have to run cus my train won't wait...



2 komentarze:

Krzysztof Pacholak pisze...

piękne zdjęcie Yaffit

Daniel pisze...

ładna dziewczyna to i zdjecie niczego sobie, a do tego spontan, bo staram sie ludziom robic zdjecia nagle i spontaniczne, zeby zlapac mozliwie jak najwiecej z ich naturalnosci.
niestety moj aparat ma ograniczone ze sie tak wyraze, pole manewru... im ciemniej tym gorzej sobie radzi.
moze kiedys, chcialbym zeby to bylo za bardzo niedlugo bede mial cos lepszego...